Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome! Come on in and pick out a treat!

So this is it!  The cookies that finally tipped me over the edge!  (And honestly, I can't continue without acknowledging that it really should be "so THESE are it", but doesn't "so THIS is it" just sound so much better?  I think so!)  At any rate, these innocent looking, yummy sugar cookies were the straw that broke the camel's back, the thing that made me finally bite the bullet (yes, sweet friends, those cliches are for you - you know who you are!)  I promise I'm getting to the importance of these cookies. 

So I offered to make some sugar cookies for my hunky monkey's preschool teacher's birthday (got that?) and these are they...

Yummy, right?  And it wasn't just me who thought so!  Family, friends, neighbors, teachers - you all kept saying the same thing about these and many other things I'd baked - "These are soooo good!  You should sell them!"  I knew I loved them, but I wondered if I wasn't having an "American Idol" moment where everyone was just being nice and supportive and the second I actually tried to sell some of my desserts, some well-meaning customer (we'll call him Simon Cowell) would hit me with a huge dose of reality and I'd sulk back home without my ticket to Hollywood and likely drown my sorrows in some "what I thought to be fabulous, but Simon told me mediocre" dessert.  (Whew! I'm thinking that might be a run-on sentence?).  

So there I was at a crossroads.  What to do?  What to do?  Well, guess what? 


Yippy-ki-A!  Cakes, cupcakes and cookies now for sale!  Nothing ventured, nothing gained!  Life is short!  Always eat dessert first!

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