Thursday, February 28, 2013

Okay, so did you guys watch the Oscars?  One of my besties throws an Oscar watching party every year (so much fun!) and I made these yummy "awards" for her to include in her swag bags for all her guests (I told you it was super fun - I mean, really, swag bags for all of us!  Cha-ching!)  

At any rate, this is a great example of a cookie I made without having a cookie cutter.  I made a custom template and hand-cut each cookie.  Worked out pretty good, right?  I can do it for you too!  

The only thing I'm not a huge fan of about these cookies (if my life depended on finding something negative!) would be the black icing.  With so much of it, it leaves the mouth a bit purpley-green.  Awesome for a five year old boy's birthday party, not so awesome for a group of glam ladies picking Oscar winners!

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